A Single-Use Card may decline at checkout for a number of reasons, these include:
Usage exceeded – A Single-Use Card can only be used once at checkout per order. If you are attempting to checkout using the same card details again the purchase will fail. Please ensure a new card is generated for each online transaction.
Insufficient funds – A Single-Use Card transaction may decline if there are insufficient funds to cover the cost of your order. Unfortunately, co-payments are not accepted when checking out with a Single-Use Card.
Blocked merchants – As responsible lenders, we reserve the right to block transactions with certain merchants or industries and as such, you will not be able to use the Single-Use Card with these merchants.
- Suspended account – If your Zip account is suspended, please reach out to our customer experience team for assistance.
- Wrong card details – The Single-Use Card details will automatically prefill at checkout. If this does not occur please ensure the card number, expiration date and CVV are entered correctly.
Maximum transaction value – The maximum transaction value has been exceeded. If the order value exceeds the card limit, you will be unable to transact using this method.
Declined at checkout – If the purchase is unsuccessful, the Zip Single-Use Card will still be valid and you can try to complete the purchase again. If the error is ongoing you, unfortunately, may not be able to use a Single-Use Card to shop on that website
If you have confirmed the above and are still unable to complete your purchase, please reach out to our customer experience team.