Zip aims to make life more affordable by spreading the costs of your purchases over time. You won't pay anything upfront, rather you can repay your purchases on a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly schedule that suits you.
We simplify how you pay everywhere and every day by offering fast, fair, and seamless payment solutions, online and in-store.
Zip enables you to spend with confidence today, knowing you'll be in control of tomorrow.
Zip's Products:
Zip Pay is our interest free product built to help you navigate day-to-day spending with ease. Zip Pay is free to set up, and offers credit limits of up to $1,500 with a monthly account fee of $9.95. If you pay your closing balance by your statement date we will waive this fee!
Learn more, here.
Zip Money is built for
the expected and unexpected. Zip Money offers credit limits up to $5,000, a minimum of 3 months interest free on every purchase*, and flexible repayments. Learn more, here.
You can use Zip as your preferred payment method almost anywhere. Use Zip Pay's
Tap to pay feature in-store, shop online using our
Single-use card feature, purchase
gift cards or use Zip to pay
your bills via BPAY.
If you are looking to shop with one of our partnered retailers across Australia and New Zealand, please see here.
The possibilities to own it are endless!