
Submit a request

Driver's licence or proof of age card (front & back of the card) AND one of the following Full Australian Birth Certificate, Registered Marriage Certificate, Divorce paper or Australian Change of Name Certificate

Please attempt to update your mobile number using the Zip app before submitting this form.

If you can still log into the Zip app or website you can update your number instantly. See here for more info:

If you have a new mobile device there is an option for you to request an update by selecting "Not your number?" For more info please see

As this form will take time to be processed, please make sure you try the self-service options in the mobile app or from your mobile device at

Please select all Zip accounts this change applies to.

Please enter the details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.

Please login to your online banking account and view your most recent payment to Zip. The payment reference number attached to this payment begins with the letter "P". We require this exact code as a security measure in order to update your details. Please enter the numbers only here.

Please try updating your address first on the Zip mobile app or website:

Please login to your online banking account and view your most recent payment to Zip. The payment reference number attached to this payment begins with the letter "P". We require this exact code as a security measure in order to update your details. Please enter the numbers only here.

This will verify who you are. Please format this as DD/MM/YYYY

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