When you use a Zip Single-use card, there are no extra fees or charges to worry about. However, please keep in mind that standard fees and charges for your Zip account will still apply.
If you're using Zip Pay, using a Single-use card means that your purchase is interest-free.
For Zip Money customers, all Single-use card purchases are interest-free for three months.
If you need more time to pay off your purchase, you can opt-in to extend your interest-free period. Just keep in mind that this will result in an extension fee being added to your total transaction amount. To learn more about extending your interest-free period, click here.
- Note for International Transactions: Transactions made in another currency will be subject to the Visa exchange rate at that time, plus a 1% foreign exchange fee. This is not a fee applied by Zip and is standard for all debit card transactions overseas, as such, it is non-refundable.