To request a refund of a purchase made with your Tap to Pay card, please firstly contact the retailer where the purchase was made.
If the retailer issues a refund, your Zip account will be credited with the agreed amount. Please allow up to 5 business days for the funds to return to your Zip account.
If the retailer declines a refund, a dispute may be raised with Zip to investigate the purchase. This process may take up to 45 business days to be completed, please submit this form.
For Apple Pay:
You can generally return purchases made using Apple Pay by providing the retailer with your receipt. When the refund is processed, it will automatically credit the payment card used.
If you are receiving your refund instore please visit the Apple website here for further instruction on how to refund directly back to the payment card.
Alternatively, if you don't have the receipt or the retailer asks for more information, you can provide the Apple Pay card number for your payment card. View instructions on how to find this here.
Google Wallet:
You can generally return purchases made using Google Wallet by providing the retailer with your receipt. For some returns, you might need to provide the last 4 digits of your virtual account number, you can find this number on the card details screen in your Google Wallet app: Tap Payment > Zip Digital Card>Scroll down to digits.